Originally Posted by perotista
...I’d say the conditions prior to Hamas attack on Israel or apartheid if that is what you want to call it, had nothing to do with their support...
Decent Americans have always known that the conservative government of Israel has kept Gaza in a prison-like condition where no one can come and go. Grabbing land and erecting settlements simply because the people on that land is considered "lesser-thans" by the land grabbers is apartheid. This is the policy of Israel when it comes to the Palestinians.

People are finally waking-up to what Israel has been doing to the Palestinian people and what Israel has been doing is not right.

Originally Posted by perotista
...I’d say what’s happening in Gaza has taken a back seat to almost every other issue and problem we as a nation face today...
Decent Americans have NOT allowed the Gaza issue to take a back seat.

Contrarian, extraordinaire