"[the] enthusiasm to vote isn’t there this year"

And for that reason I predict an outright Trump victory.

I sometimes think of why would Germans allow Hitler to become leader when they knew better, and then I look at the current American political situation, and it begins to make sense. Yep we as the Germans have a large group of people who just don't give a crap who leads government, or in other words they don't care if they live under a dictatorship or a Democracy.

I think one of the Trump pacs has real nice red MAGA knee pads for sale cheap at $29.99. I recommend learning the proper protocol for addressing Trump and his followers (yep fascist azzholeism does not stop at the top but creeps on downhill to all mid and low level administrators).

It offends me that I live in a country where only 3 people care about Democracy.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions