I will be voting for Biden. Having said this its driving me nuts. We are told, for instance, that the Democrats have a lot more money to spend than Trump (his has gone to attorney costs). Anyway, a couple of weeks ago that said that the Democrats have this great organization and are getting ready to turn it all loose and there would be all sorts of ads, door knocking, etc. This has yet to happen. So far he has spent most of his time flying around trying to win the young black folk. That, as far as I can tell is it. Yesterday, I think, he got angry at a European place that went after, basically, Netanyahu. This, of course, will cost him more votes amongst the youth who are upset his killing of Palestinians. Other than that, as far as I have seen, he is not actually running for office.

At the same time all this is happening I see Trump, every night, on TV saying or doing this and that. The media, basically, is taking care of Trump. At the same time Biden seems to not be really trying. Perhaps it really is his age, who knows? I do know, however, that if you are running for office then that's what you are supposed to do and Biden isn't and this tends to upset me. I have been reading more and more about the Trump Presidency and, well, you know. The only difference is that this time it also appears that he is getting a LOT more organized as well. (by people like the White Christian Citizens, etc)

Trump scares the crap out of me. He has actually already started to plan a 3rd term! I am not sure what's gonna be left after the second one (I know, that can't happen, but ....). Well, he does have help from some. I suspect that Putin is currently helping him, Netanyahu is another pal of his and then there is the North Korean guy who wrote him a beautiful letter, etc. His pals alone are enough to scare the crap out of everybody and that is just starters.

If Trump wins we are in for interesting times I fear.