Originally Posted by perotista
But Trump’s outrageousness got him a ton of free media attention.

Simply and bluntly put, that's the news media business putting not just their thumb on the scale, but rather, one leg and their ENTIRE ASS.
They gave Donald Trump almost two BILLION dollars in free publicity, a man who insists to this day that he is worth ten billion.

Tell me how that gets remedied aside from all other candidates engaging in consecutive stabs aimed at ever increasing damage to the entire idea of a republic with any shred of a democratic process. How does one outdo a person who uses tactics like Trump's.

This looks and feels like one third of the electorate is suddenly (as in, the last ten years) stricken with an epidemic of Oppositional Defiant Disorder, an adult form of mental illness listed in the DSM as being common to children of violent upbringing.

Madison Cawthorn gave a speech where he encouraged mothers "to raise male children who are monsters".
Looks like we succeeded in that almost a generation ago.

Cawthorn: Monsters and lions, not wimps and sheep

Also Bloodshed is inevitable... "if our elections continue to be rigged."

Should Joe Biden make even more outrageous statements? Should he employ satanists and serial killers?

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