I want Biden to win, really! I would also like him to actually seem to want to win. Really! I can be absolutely wrong. I am in Washington state and he is, I think, working the east coast and a bit of the middle. Not every day but he is out there. I just want the Democrats to be EVERYPLACE! Trump is EVERYPLACE. Through basically through the media who has him on virtually anything to do with politics. Wouldn't it be nice if, every time they gave Trump exposure they did the same for Biden. The interesting thing about the Trump exposure that it isn't always pro Trump and is not at all for Trump. Makes no difference, its the exposure that counts not all the rest (I think that has been decided a while ago).
So, Biden cannot count of the media for exposure so he must either buy his exposure or do something to cause media to give him exposure. If Trump is out there then Biden should be out there too. Its part of the game. I assume that those running the Democratic party understand that but, so far, they have not shown it. For instance, every night CNN and MSNBC give Trump exposure - Biden? not so much, That being the case one would thing that the Dems would see that and somehow make Biden worthy of exposure by the media.
One would think, for instance, that the Dems had a group that did nothing but decided what Biden was going to do to get exposure on the night news. Trump does it naturally, apparently Biden does not and should be. I also think it would probably be easy to do and not take that much time. We keep being told how much money the Dems have, and how well organized they are, etc. I would be a lot happier if I saw the man, on the news, every night.
Last night biden was on the news with somebody from Africa who was going to fix the problems in Haiti. That was a start but, I think, it could have been a bit better. But that's just my thought and the fact that he was out there is a great beginning - hopefully. Perhaps the Dems could also have a group that could give Biden something interesting, a bit off the cuff, and a bit less old man walking as well.
Just saying.............