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Who knew a nearly a 78-year old man who wears orange make-up, lies about his weight, gossips like a middle school girl, and who is CONSTANTLY bitching and moaning about being held accountable for his many crimes can whine his way into the hearts of Liberal appointed appellate court judges to take pity on the loser? Damn bleeding heart Liberal appellate court judges.
For true MAGA these are all liberal lies and even if true irrelevant i.e. doesn't matter to MAGA.
For HE has been sent by GOD to save America from the evil Democrats ... that's all you need to know ... and now you can begin your lessons in the proper genuflection before the God chosen savior of America.
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions
"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." (Philip K.Dick)
This is not the end as far as the election is concerned. The sentencing won’t occur until 11 July. After which if I understand this right, Trump’s lawyers have 30 days in which to file their intent to appeal and then six months to file the actual appeal. All of this will take Trump past the election.
Which leads me to the question, what effect will this guilty verdict have on the election. Which is unclear, at least to me. The guilty verdict doesn’t stop Trump from running for president. How will it affect those who currently support him? That remains to be seen. One need to follow the polls closely from two weeks to a month from now to determine what effects if any effect happens. Today, the two candidate race - https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-biden
These I will be paying real close attention to. This unwanted rematch has as many voters out there who don’t want Biden reelected as don’t want Trump to regain the white house. This has been totally lost on most except those who pay very close attention to all the numbers, stats if you will. Considering that the two guilty verdicts in the civil trials, New York Fraud case and the E.J. Carroll trial had no effect. The Georgia election interference indictments, the 91 federal indictments in both the classified documents and 1-6 cases didn’t change or put a dent in the numbers or challenge Trump’s slim lead in the polls. It’s uncertain this guilty verdict in the hush money case will. One can only hope, then wait and see.
One needs to keep in mind this rematch is one most Americans don’t want. You have 59% of all Americans today who didn’t and don’t want Biden to run for reelection, 56% who didn’t and don’t want Trump to run again either. You have half of all Americans who would replace both Biden and Trump on the ballot if they could. That’s half, actually 49% of all Americans who don’t want neither one, neither Trump nor Biden. Something else no one is taking seriously or probably even knows or don’t care. Everyone is too caught in being very pro or anti-Trump than to gauge the mood, the feelings all Americans have about this rematch and both candidates running for president.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.
seems like you are providing an argument for my prediction Trump wins 2024
Get prepared for true weaponization of the federal government against it's citizens .... meaning those who oppose the unConstititutional policies to be enacted or directed by fiat
Democracy is Dead in America .... you heard it here first
This is an authorized message from Rapace
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions
Ever hear of the old political adage, candidates’ matter. That’s what I think we’re dealing with here with this rematch. Two candidates most Americans don’t want as their next president. To those Americans, perhaps democracy is already dead. They’re given two choices they don’t want nothing to do with. I expect a very low voter turnout because of that. Perhaps even below 50%. Something that has happened only once since 1924
Democrats have been so fixated on Trump, they’ve failed to realize there’s another group of voters out there just as fixated on Biden. They blame Biden for rising prices, for their standard of living deteriorating and a host of other things. Most things that Biden has no control over. But Biden is president today, hence the blame. Have you look at how most Americans look at Biden for his handling of most issues or has it been just Trump. For quite a lot of Americans, this election isn’t just about Trump, it’s also about Biden. Take a good look at Biden’s overall job approval and his handling on most issues.
This is why for at least a third of all Americans, this election is just as much about Biden as it is about Trump. Only the democrats, anti-Trumpers can’t wrap their heads around this. They either can’t or don’t understand. Democrats can’t be only anti-Trump and expect to win. They must give some positives about Biden, give this third of all Americans a reason to vote for Biden, not just against Trump. Most of this third don’t want Trump either. Trump hasn’t given this third a reason to vote for him, but Biden hasn’t either. Not being Trump was enough for Biden to win in 2020, that isn’t enough this time around.
Predictions, gloom and doom, all that might revolve around that old political adage of candidates matter. If you look back to November 2022, 55% of all Americans didn’t want Biden to run for reelection then. This was well known, 59% don’t want him running for reelection today.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.