This morning I was watching the TV news. Most was made up of politics and what our congressional house was doing (basically ranking on the federal law stuff). I found it very strange. The Republican house was, basically, attacking the DOJ because they were responsible for the conviction of Trump by a state DOJ which had nothing to do with the federal DOJ. Whilst they were doing that the Democrats were asking questions which tended to show how wonderful, federal, etc. the federal DOJ really is. I just didn't get the entire thing. One would think, for instance that the Democrats of the house would be attacking the Republican jackasses with all they could and there was a lot to work with from the Republican side. Instead all that bluster, lies, accusations, etc. were completely ignored by the Democrats. Again, I just don't get it.
The TV was covering the entire thing, lock and stock. Not missing a thing and it went on, and on, and on. Basically the Republicans were getting most of the show as they were more entertaining! The Democrats, on the other hand, were not particularly interesting so were kinda ignored and this went on for hours! I guess I have a question - why in the world didn't the Democrats take advantage? They had a REALLY good chance to point out the Lies, Baloney, etc. that the Republicans were selling yet they just ignored it like good little Dems tend to do. I have, up to this point been whining about Biden. Now, however, I would like to include the Democratic sitting group who are determined to behave and allow the other side to Accuse and Lie with impunity.
I should add that most of what I watched had to do with the Trump thing they also had another hearing on the good old days of Covid. The Republicans ignored the fact that several thousands of Republicans virtually committed suicide because they were advised by Trump. They attacked anybody who was not in tune with Trump and the trump belief that drinking bleach made you well (it didn't it killed). That went on for a long time. The Dems asking nice questions and the Republicans going off on odd and strange. One would think that the Dems would go after them tooth and tong just remembering the disaster that Trump was in charge of. But, nope, not a damned word! The Republicans got to tell lies and make accusations and the Dems, well, they kinda missed it I guess.
I find it interesting that the Republicans take full advantage to spew their baloney, attack our system of justice, the other side, etc. whilst the civilized Dems seem to sigh, say nice things, ignore what's going on the other side. etc. They know that the TV cameras are running and they behave as if its a real opportunity to show what nice people they are whilst making sure the Republicans get their points made.
Don't know what else to say.................