Sarcasm? I’m not too sure he will. True, it’s been a 50-50 race since last year. It’s still 50-50 as to who wins today. I’ve said before that the democrats nominated probably the only candidate that could possibly lose to Trump in this geriatric rematch of an election. I stand by that statement. The reverse is also true, the republicans have nominated their only candidate that could possibly lose to Biden.

No sitting president with an overall job approval of below 50% has ever won. Biden is sitting at 40%. Not Ford, 45% in 1976, not Carter 39% in 1980, not G.H.W. Bush 43% in 1992 nor Trump at 41% in 2020. You have 59% of all Americans who didn’t want Biden to run for reelection, 57% who don’t want Trump to run again either. You have 49% of all Americans who would replace both, both Trump and Biden on the ballot if they could. That’s replace both, not keep one or the other. You have two candidates who most Americans view in a negative light, 57% view Biden unfavorably, 56% view Trump unfavorably. Only one presidential candidate since 1948 has won the presidency with more than 50% of Americans viewing him in a negative/unfavorable manner. That election was 2016 when Trump was viewed by 60% of all Americans unfavorably, but Clinton the loser was also viewed by 56% of all Americans unfavorably. One or the other had to win. Clinton did win the popular vote. This year, either Biden or Trump must win. All of this shows why this upcoming geriatric rematch is a 50-50 proposition.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.