Does not surprise me. I understand why the Republicans are Republicans. Pretty simple, Trump is their man and their leader and the source of everything political. Oh, there are also a lot of Republicans who don't like Mr. Trump so ignore the present Republican party but still think they are Republicsns. So, I guess, its actually not as simple as I thought.

The Democrats, however, has a different thing going on. We have a president, which most of us agree has been able to do some pretty amazing things while in office. The problem is has also done some things that are not good sense, or make no sense, etc. (the Israel, for me is one of them things). But the president, I don't think, runs the Democratic party. I actually am not sure just who, or what, drives the party. There was a time when the left was kinda in charge, and other times when they were not. If one is a Democrat I always wonder what kind of Democrat that might be. Are you to the right or to the left? This just goes on and on. I am a Democrat, basically, because my wife worked for them to get through college and remains a steadfast Democrat (for the most part but not always).

So, if you are a Republican you know, exactly, what its all about (Trump). If you are a Democrat its a lot different and there are many reasons to be a Democrat. Its kinda like a "something for everybody" sort of place. The problem becomes who, or what, to do follow or like, etc. Being a Democrat is, basically, completely different from the Republicans. If somebody leaves it means that the Democrats simply do not currently have what somebody needs. Its that easy and that hard.

Not sure if that makes any sense at all but i try!!