The 35-35-30 percentages is where things still stand today, where they stood a month ago, six months ago and further back. That is 35% solidly Trump, call them MAGA. 35% solidly Biden where over half aren’t voting for Biden as a person, candidate. They’re more anti-Trump than pro-Biden. Any candidate other than Trump would get their vote. Then 30% who aren’t either pro or anti Trump, who dislike both and don’t want neither Trump nor Biden to become the next president.

Only one other election comes close to matching the feelings out there about both major party candidates. That was in 2016. We’ve come a long way from this, 2008 where Obama was viewed favorably by 61% and McCain by 57%.

To this, this year where Biden is viewed favorably by 41% and Trump by 43%.

With 2016 along the way, Clinton 43% favorable, Trump 39% favorable.

Party affiliation 2008 35% democratic, 30% republican, 33% independent
2016 32% democratic, 28% republican, 36% independent
2024 today 27% democratic, 27% republican, 43% independent

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.