You sound very pessimistic
My pessimism is grounded in reality. So what does that mean? Well, unlike so many Americans who said in 2020 Trump would voluntarily leave the WH ... well ... because that is what Americans who lose do. Right! Those folks apparently did not pay attention to what Trump said and did.
They only had a couple of months to prepare for an insurrection so they got too many things wrong and poor planning with improper support from the right people doomed the fight in the Capitol building itself. Guess what? They have had 4 years to prepare for a coup. They have built a machine ready for the chance Trump may actually lose the vote count. Unlike Republicans in 2020 who did uphold the Constitution. they have strategically placed election boards with Trump loyalists, who are ore than willing to throw votes out to guarantee a Trump win. They have rewritten the election laws so SoS doesn't have the power to oversee an election and replaced SoS with a Trump loyalists, also willing to ensure a Trump win. Moving on they have nominated and confirmed Trump loyalists to the federal bench thus ensuring siding with Trump in any legal proceeding. Trump loyalists control the House. The new House rules allow guns on the floor, thus should there have to be an onsite insurrection, Trump loyalists will be ready with armed support. And when the objections come the Trump loyalists in the House will ensure the next president will be decided in the House and not by the voters.
So why should I be optimistic?