You are, pretty much, right on. I have no idea how many they have to do what they figure needs to be done. There is actually no secret about it all! I wonder if Biden has made any efforts to be ready for all of this. Unlike Trump I hope, suspect, believe that there are things to take care of things should Trump not win the election. I do know that something bad is going down.

My own thought is that Trump is just one of the gears in the White Christian plans. They have worked, for over 60 years on this one and, I suspect, this is their time to "make things right". They have already started on several fronts, from female control to religion in public schools and there is more as well. I'm told its pretty well laid out in project 2025 for all to see and I am sure there is actually more not written down - yet.

Again - hope that Biden has a plan as 'they' sure as hell do............