I wonder if Biden has made any efforts to be ready for all of this
The basic answer is NO!!!!

People continue to delusionally believe Trump will go quietly should he lose. What they refuse to consider because they still believe in the rule of law ... in the order of things.... in the American way ... is Trump is none of those things and the people supporting him (not the brain dead MAGA folks, but the people pulling the strings) have had a plan for some time and now they have to plan to takeover the government and guess what? .... theres not a thing anyone can do about it. But .... but .... but .... the Supreme Court .... yeah what about the SC .... does anyone really believe the SC can do anything .... even if they did the SC has no enforcement mechanism (I suspect that would be one of the first things Trump would dissolve or completely turn it over to loyalists .... what would the Democrat appointed justices going to do ... stand in the doorway). What's Congress going to do? The House is controlled by MAGA (Trump loyalists) and no one should think they would do anything to support the Constitution. The military???? Really???? I suspect a huge chunk of the officer corps are Trump supporters ... it would rip the military in two i.e. completely immobilize it.

And yet people continue to say .... it can't happen in America.

It's happening as I type

Yes I will be an enemy of the state ... rapace

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!