Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
There are some pundits and activists who want the US to withdraw from Iraq now, but that was not the stance that gave the Democrats control fo Congress. Few running for the House or Senate who won voiced such a view. Most put forth a more nuanced "get them out soon but safely" position and that is what the Democratic party has pursued.

That is like saying the Bush administration "nuanced" the public into supporting his un-necessary invasion of Iraq. The public in 2004 were led to think that the Demo Party was going to get the US out of Iraq -- Now! And the public was led to believe in 2002-2003 that Iraq would be the source of mushroom clouds over American cities -- Now!

The Demo Party took back Congress in 2004 by sending out anti-Iraq 'war' candidates against Republican-held seats while the Democratic leaders focused on getting back the trappings of power and the goodies that befall those who hold it. Guess which of the two the voters were listening to during the campaign?;-)

"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos