How can someone believe opposites at the same time
Easily. The reason you don't understand is you have not embraced the obviousness of MAGA "logical" thought. The only idea which should make an impact on you is the MAGA driving force, the animus of the BASE is bigotry. How can one be a bigot and Christian at the same time? or what is the sound of one hand clapping? One makes sense and the other no sense at all ... and yet I comprehend both
It isn’t the MAGA Trumpers that one needs to worry about
You missed my point. If only one person voted for Trump .... he still wins. Wrap your head around it. All the polling in the world does not address the fact MAGA has installed an infrastructure built and designed for a Trump victory. They don't need votes. They have the political machinery to ensure a win.
Either Trump outright wins the election as per your belief in polling or it doesn't matter what the vote count is. I know ... no one can simply steal an election in plain sight .... hahahaha ... and what would you do about it ... there is nothing you can do .... the pillars of Democracy have been undermined ... the judicial system is compromised ... Congress is in the tank for Trump ... the military has been castrated .... so what will you do?
I will become an enemy of the state ... rapace