I find it interesting that EVERYBODY is convinced that Trump is the guy in charge. I don't believe that one for a minute. I believe that he is a creature of the White Citizens (there are other names. This one is just easy). They are also, I have read, the largest group of Christians in the United States. The current guy in charge of the Congressional House is one (amongst others). There is no secret here. These are the people who started the abortion thing amongst others. I believe that when they tell Trump to do something he does it. These are the people who created the 2025 thing, amongst others. Trump is easy, he runs his mouth and is in charge, that's just the way things are. Basically this is not exactly right and the White Citizens are pulling the strings. It took them over 60 years to take over the Republican party but they did it. Hillary Clinton, I think, is somebody who has mentioned this one (I think it was a comment about their ability to stick with the plan and get it done). They do a number of religious things. I believe that the current 10 commandment thing is another one of their ideas.

There is no doubt that, this time around, its going to be a lot different than the first time. The first time was a huge, and very expensive disaster no matter what believers think. Its pretty easy to check if interested. Trump is a man who has never had a successful business that didn't fail and that's just for starters. Its going to be very, very different this time around. All the talking heads are talking about just how well organized he is this time around. There is a reason for this and, as far as I am concerned, its not exactly all Trump's doing.

There is no question but that I may be wrong. This is, however, what I believe. These people have a long history, stick to their guns and win in the end by, amongst other things, taking as long as it takes and not giving an inch. If you are interested you might do a little work checking on folks that no longer belong but were raised in the White Christian way. They usually have things of interest to say. These people are not hiding away nor are the White Christians. Try googling "children raised by white christians who left"

Last edited by jgw; 06/24/24 08:03 PM.