I take it that you do not believe in the white Christians They have any number of names like that. They have some very basic plans. One is to turn the United States into a nation with ONE religion (theirs). From that there is a lot of other stuff as well. They started working on the Republicans more than 60 years ago. If you google "white christian nationalism" you will get a lot of stuff as to who and what they are. The reason I push this is that people should really understand that there is such a group and they are dangerous. Amongst other things they are responsible for the 2025 thing.

Its very strange. Christian Religion as been losing for a very long time. In my little town of 20,000 we have at least 3 churches that aren't churches anymore. They tend to turn into goodwill places. But, still, there are a LOT of Christians. The biggest group in the United States is the White Christian Nationalists. I use White Christians but its all the same thing. This group has been, for a very long time, also involved with politics and, pretty much, run the Republicans. They are where all the weird stuff like the Ten Commandment order for schools, and female conception stuff come from them along with other stuff. Hillary Clinton, I think, noted that they do not give up and work hard on stuff. You can also learn what they are doing from children raised by them who are now exposing them for this and that.

I hope I am wrong about saying you don't believe in them. That being said that is, exactly, what they want non-believers want to happen. If you're not part of them then they prefer to be ignored. They are, as Hillary said, REALLY stubborn and stick to their goals.

Oh, the current house leader is one. (that also explains how he survives the loons and Trump)