you do not believe in the white Christians
Not sure what you meant, but if you mean Christian Nationalism, yes I have been aware of the movement for at least 30 years, and the danger it poses to American Democracy.

Integral to the foundations of the Constitution is equality. Inherent in that word is the concept all people are treated the same, all ideas are equally protected, and all all religions the same standing before the law. No one part is above the law and no one part controls the government. Christian Nationalist want to control the government, impose their vision of rights, and disenfranchise people it doesn't like. None of that is Democratic.

It is part and parcel the Giuoco Piano for the slow erosion of Democracy and ultimate replacement with a single religious leader. Trump is but the first installment of the grand plan, a plan which is readily available from your favorite ultra-right wing think tank, Heritage.

Are we in danger of losing our Democracy? It was rhetorical and you know the answer.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!