Wheeooo! You got it right! I just consider them one huge block. I have read several reports by people who were raised there and then moved on. I am on your side about this and they scare the hell out of me. The strange thing is that they make absolutely no effort not to say what they want to do right out loud. Not only that but they are, as far as I can find, the largest group of Christians in the nation. I remember them from 60 years ago. These people have been at it for a very long time and I remain convinced that they also own the Republican Party as well. They have plans and they do not change. What bothers me is what they call christian ideas. The newest is that ten commandment thing but, as far as I am concerned they are for all the rest as well.
I tend to believe that the White Christians and the Christian Nationalists are the same. I can be wrong (used to that one) but we will see.
Thank you for the reply............