When the Republicans start on with so called thing Christian I consider that stuff to be the work of the Christian Nationalists. I have been watching them for a very long time and they have sticked to their beliefs for, literally, years. The current group of stuff, I think, is their doing, pure and simple. There is, currently, the Ten Commandments for Public Schools, then we have Abortions, I am sure there are more waiting for exposure and I suspect I have missed some as well. These people are careful and hard working and, again, really stick to their guns. I have heard a couple of them (female) talk about a single church for all Christian Nationalists which will be the ONLY religion in the land. I am sure there is more waiting. Every once in a while Trump mentions this kind of stuff (just trying it out before having at it). I also find it interesting that there seems to be a LOT of people who are not Christian Nationalists but come from different religious groups but pray with them regularly.

As far as I am concerned this is not a simple group, amongst many, within the Republican Party. The is a group that, pretty much, runs the Republican Party. I can be wrong. I have been involved with religions of one sort or another a few times in my life. I tend to get a little edgy when my politics get involved with religion. In this particular thing one of our two political parties is going after our Constitution and they seem to be starting with Public Schools. That makes me nervous.