Well, for about the last 18 months or so, as I've said here in several comments, my gut has been telling me that we are about to lose our democracy to a dictatorial candidate, Mr. Trump!
Last nights unmoderated debate has not changed that feeling. In fact, I might need to go get me some Tums or something to calm it.
I understand that Pres. Biden was sick, and he sounded it, but I am sorry, it was a terrible performance. Some of his answers were almost unintelligible. His messages sometimes seemed somewhat jumbled. Some, I am sure, will bash me for my comments, but I will not put lipstick on a pig! I type it as I saw it!
And on the other side of the stage, we have the liar in chief, Mr. Trump! He was able to get every lie out of his mouth without interruption. No fact checking by the moderators at all! Not even any fact-check comments scrolled across the bottom of the screen. Pres. Biden was able to rebut a few of those lies, but not nearly enough.
People that don't follow what is happening regularly, and get their news from the likes of FOX and Facebook, are able to believe every one of Trumps lies because there was no officials disputing them. Even those that just don't keep up with the political news at all, will easily believe Trumps undisputed lies!
Trump sounded factual! Biden sounded sick!
Sorry if I sound fatalistic, but that's how my gut feels!
Farewell America!