I like the current governor of California. He's smart, can talk, is popular in his state, has connected with a lot of the Democrats now running and has helped several, etc. I have always thought he was thinking about running as well.

I'm not sure just what happened with Biden. They say he was sick. He was NOT sick. They had him on TV just after the disaster and everything he did was the exact opposite of how he did during the debate. He talked out loud, he spoke well, he was exactly how he should have been during the debate. I think what happened is that the people who were getting him ready for the debate screwed him up so much he simply had no idea what was happening and was trying, very hard, to remember all the stuff they told him to remember and between the two he simply couldn't get off the dime and do what needed to be done. I think they worked him over to close to 3 weeks. Trump, on the other hand, didn't go through that and, instead, just stuck with Trump.

and it was a shame...........