Debates, I remember the first presidential debate between Nixon and JFK in 1960. Nixon looked rough to put it nicely, JFK tanned and looking fit. For those who listen to the debate on the radio, Nixon won. For those watching it on the TV, JFK won. How the candidates look carries a lot of weight. At least back then, probably in last night’s also. Give it a week or two for the polls to catch up with last night. Then we’ll see if the debate changed anything. Trump has a 1.9-point lead in the two-candidate race, a 2.9-point lead in the 5-way race.
I think the guilty verdicts hasn’t changed anything. Trump had a 2.2-point lead on 31 May in the five-way, 2.9 today, a 0.9-point lead in the two-candidate race on 31 May, today his lead 1.9 points. is no change considering the MOE of plus or minus 3 points. Like the guilty verdicts in the hush money trial, I don’t expect much of a change because of the debate. I think around 80% of voters have their minds made up as to who they’ll vote for come November. That nothing is going to change any of that 80% of voters minds. Which leaves 20% who’ll decide the election. That 20% are what is known as double haters. They dislike both Trump and Biden and don’t want neither one as the next president. It’s with these double haters that the fate of the nation resides.