The debate, Trump lies, and Biden’s poor performance seem to be meaningless. Trump had a 1.5-point lead going into the debate, with only 2 polls done post-debate. Biden leads by one in the Morning Consult poll, Trump by two in the Survey USA poll. An average of 1.0-point lead for Trump. The polls have an MOE of plus or minus 2.5 points. All the hoopla surrounding the debate is meaningless, wasted hoopla. The horserace numbers haven’t changed. Trump has maintained a lead between 1-3 over Biden since September of last year. The indictments didn’t change any numbers, neither did the guilty verdicts in the hush money case and neither has the debate.

It's still a 35-35-30 election in my book. 35% solid Trump, 35% solid Biden, 30% which dislike and don’t want neither one as the next president. Around half of that latter 30% are stating they won’t vote; they’re refusing to choose between two unwanted candidates. About a quarter plan on voting third party, against both major party candidates with the last quarter undecided. This too hasn’t changed since September of last year. The changes were all within the MOE of the polls.

None of this latter 30% watched the debate. They never heard Trump lies nor did they see Biden’s poor performance. Only those who care who wins between Trump and Biden watched it. Most of those who watched the debate, their minds are made up as to who they’ll vote for come November. There’s no changing them no matter what. What incentive did this last 30% have to watch the debate when they’re against both Trump and Biden? The same question can be asked about them voting, where’s the incentive to vote or choose between the two major party candidates for those who dislike and don’t want neither one as the next president? For this final 30%, it’s a who cares who wins or loses election. `

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.