The whole thing is just a little odd. He did a terrible job on the debate. A half hour later he was on a show and going about as good as anybody else. Waving his arms around and speaking with ability. There was, absolutely, not a damned thing wrong with him! That, my friends, tend to make one wonder just what the hell is going on. My first thought was that he was a victim of the people who were getting him ready for the debate. That still might be it but I tend to doubt it.

How about this. What if there is a plan running. Biden has got to be tired. He has been doing politics for a very, very, long time. Has a great record and this might be the right time to move on. First the governor of California. He has been supporting and getting money for almost every Democratic trying to get elected to the congress, nation wide. This has been going on for, at least, 2 years! This guy is popular in his state and he seems to be in favor of just about everybody who might be Democrat. I have wondered why he has been doing this. What if the plan is really pretty simple. Biden is tired and has done a great job by any measure. He will be running against a man who, if nothing else, is a serious liar, a convicted felon and a rapist. He is, in other words, the worst candidate for president in my lifetime. Now, what happens if Biden goes to the Democratic convention next month and puts the Governor of California as his choice to be the next President of the United States. I know, there are little things to be done, etc. but there is time for all of that. I also know that Governor would beat the living sh** out of Trump - he wouldn't stand a chance. it even gets a little better. The girtlfriend of son no 1 of Trump is his ex wife!! I am not making this up!

I know, sometimes I just get carried away but this thing would truly give the voting public something to entertain them for quite a while. It would also give the Dems something to believe in, to support and give them some pride as well.

Just saying............