The problem Rick is a lot of folks saw the debate or read about or seen clips of it on the news. Only a few saw the fundraiser. Many more folks will remember the debate than just the handful who saw the fundraiser. There are now three post-debate polls with no change from those polls’ pre-debate. Going by them, neither Trump nor Biden gained or lost any ground because of the debate. It’s like it never happened except for those knee jerkers who first reaction is Biden must be replaced. Cool down.

As for Newsom jgw, the primaries give the American people an opportunity to get to know, to recognize the candidate, to become familiar with the candidate that was unknown to most Americans prior to the primaries. Newsom is unknown to most Americans. He won’t have the normal 10-month period prior to the general election for the people to get to know him. He’ll have 3 1/2 months if the change is made at the convention. Is that time enough? Maybe, I’m not certain. What Newsom brings to the table is youth, drive. energy and the ability to install enthusiasm in democratic voters in a way Biden can’t. Democrats along with democratic leaning independents never were enthusiastic about Biden running for reelection. Most, by a 2-1 margin didn’t want Biden to run for reelection prior to the primaries. Democrats trail republicans in the enthusiasm gap, enthusiasm for their candidate 77-64. That is the biggest gap I can remember. With Newsom drive and energy, he could wipe out that gap. Something I think the laidback Biden can’t. It may be too late to change horses.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.