I agree Jeffrey, that most have already chose sides, that around 80% of Americans have their mind made up as to who they’ll vote for. I’d disagree with the timing or maybe not. I think if we’re talking about 2021, Biden would have easily defeated Trump that year if the election was held then. But that began to change in later half of 2021 to where today Trump and Biden are relatively even. That around 55% of all Americans have held a negative or unfavorable view of Trump from 2017 to today give or take a point or two.


But Biden has fallen down to Trump levels, from a low of 42% viewing Biden in the negative for his first 6 months of his presidency up to 56% of all Americans viewing him negatively or unfavorable today. From a higher a 54% view Biden positively, favorably for his first six months as president down to 40% of all Americans having a positive or favorable impression of Biden today.


Like it or not, fact is both Trump and Biden are highly disliked today. This election is more like 2016 than 2020. 2016 Trump was seen 36% favorable/60% unfavorable to Clinton’s 38% favorable/56% unfavorable. The first election where both major party candidates were seen below 50% favorable/higher than 50% unfavorable since Pew Research and Gallup began keeping track of presidential candidates favorable/unfavorable back in 1956. This election will be the second. The big difference between 2016 and this year is that it was Clinton that maintained a 3-4-point lead in the polls winning the popular vote by 2.1 points. Whereas it’s Trump this year that has maintained a 1-3-point lead over Biden.

Expect a low voter turnout this year along with a high third-party vote ALA 2016, 54% voter turnout, 6% third party vote vs. 2020 with a high voter turnout and a low third party vote when Biden was well liked and wanted, 62% voter turnout, 1.7% third party vote. This is what happens when you have two disliked and unwanted to become the next president major party candidates. Newsom would be good, but the article mentioned Andy Beshear, he’d be my favorite to replace Biden.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.