Be that as it may Jeffrey. The fact is independents have come to dislike Biden as much as they dislike Trump. They’re the election deciders. What you or I think or believe isn’t going to decide any election. I’d never vote for Trump, never ever. But I want to know where this election stands today and tomorrow and the day after until election day. The only way to find that out is to study independents. Job approval for a sitting president is key as no sitting president with a job approval of below 50% has ever won reelection. Independents give Biden only a 33% job approval. Only 36% of independents have a positive or favorable view of Biden. It doesn’t matter for election purposes what Republicans or democrats think of Biden or of Trump for that matter. They’re evenly divided as to their respective base and if you want to include leaners, the GOP has a slight edge. Democrats will love Biden, hate Trump while Republicans love Trump, hate Biden. So, what else is new. The neutral factor is independents, the non-affiliated, the less to non-partisans, those who dislike both and who aren’t in love with either one.

We both agree Biden is the better choice, but that’s not what these election deciders think. Today, 36% of independents think Trump is the better choice, 31% think Biden is the better choice. 17% think neither is an acceptable choice by intending to vote third party against both Biden and Trump while 16% are undecided as to what they’ll do. No matter how much we want Biden to defeat Trump, we’re not even bit players in this game. It’s independents that will decide. I realize and acknowledge Biden’s short comings along with Trumps. I also realize and acknowledge that no matter what I think, want, or what you think and want, that will have no effect in deciding this election. So, I keep track of the group that will decide, that really counts in determining the outcome of this election.

Personally, I think the democrats were stupid in renominating Biden if they wanted to win this November. They knew how weak a candidate he would be if he sought reelection. The numbers were there in plain sight since August of 2021 for everyone to see. I can only conclude is that they didn’t want to see or even acknowledge their existence.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.