The thing about Newsom is that he is known by other Democrats, especially those running for election because he has raised money for them nation wide and that may help. I am also told that he is good at what he does and liked. The problem that Biden has is that he went to the debate,and knew he was screwed regardless of why. It was not a good thing to do and just ads to all the rest of his problems and, given how the Supremes are behaving, how Trump the liar is behaving, etc. they REALLY believe they now have it in the bag and are starting to change/destroy the country as we all know it and THAT scares the hell out of me!

As you know I have whined about how Biden has been, in regard to his election, for quite a while now. Its very strange. Now we have Democrats telling everybody that he is going to do this and that to fix whatever. I would believe that if it ever happened but I simply do not believe it to be true. The man just doesn't like to do it. I have heard several Democratic talking heads say exactly the same things and they actually know the man! I, for one, really don't want a United States changed to suit the Supremes and Trump the liar, and that is where we are currently headed. Yesterday Biden did a whole public five minutes! This is not my idea of trying to get elected as president!

Incidentally, I actually like Biden and, if he gives up getting re-elected I believe he will go down as one of our better presidents. If he runs and loses he will also lose that history for something not particularly good. If he runs I believe that he will lose, his battle with Trump the liar is just too close to mess around with and I simply do not believe he can win. I have little or no faith in the American voting public. If Biden continues to run I will hope for the best but, well, you know.............

Another speculation. What if Biden does not run for president. Newsom runs for president and Biden as vice president. (I know that's a bit silly. Still, a thought!)