Its strange, I was talking to a friend of mine from California. I told him some of this stuff and he started laughing. He said that Newsom was getting ready to run for president next year. I thought that was kinda interesting. I am not real concerned about the time to get familiar with voters. I think that two months is, probably as good as a six month Biden and, given his lack of love from Democrats in general, I suspect that virtually all Dems would delight for almost anybody but Biden. I think that is actually a shame but it also is kinda a fact. Biden is simply not loved by many of them them that should. As you say, he is simply not particularly appreciated or liked. (and Newsom has a lot of good points and you are right. He would have to work like hell so that people could learn but, I think, that's probably possible.
I REALLY want a Dem president this time around. Hopefully they can also take the congress and then they can deal with the Supremes. If nothing else I suspect that the run is going to be interesting and, hopefully, entertaining as well. We will, of course, find out in the fullness of time (always liked that phrase).