We could hardly have hoped for a better election result than the one we had in 2006.

The Democrats get the Pyrrhic victory of slim majorities in Congress: They are pretty much forced to crow about a victory that gives them only the appearance of power.

In a battle against the resolute President George Walker Bush, they can never enact a bill that the president does not whole-heartedly support. So far, it hasn't even been a contest - Congress has folded every time even before the hand's been dealt.

In any ultimate showdown, the Supreme Court has shown itself to always, in the end, come down on the right side. With a right-thinking man leading the court, we can be secure in the knowledge that only the right cases will be heard and only the right decisions will come down.

The entire situation is a win-win-win-win:

1)Only the president's legislation is passed.

2)The Democrats take the heat for nothing positive happening since 2004.

3) And the party of True Americans gets to reinforce its image of steadfastness and moral superiority retaining the presidency in 2008.

4) More traitorous liberals will leave the court and be replaced by right-thinking Americans.

Last edited by Irked; 10/07/07 05:49 PM. Reason: Correct an embarrassing factual error.

How eager they are to be slaves - Tiberius Caesar

Coulda tripped out easy, but I've changed my ways - Donovan