We are witnessing the end of America and its democracy in real-time. It's happening right before our very eyes.

The Republican presumptive POTUS nominee, Donald John Trump, is a corrupt man to his core. Trump is an adjudicated sexual assaulter, adjudicated business fraudster, and 34-count felon is leading Joe Biden to be the next POTUS in some polls.

Trump has stolen from business partners, stolen from the American people's treasury via Emoluments Clause violations, and tried to steal an election in 2020 that he lost. Trump was an incompetent, dishonest, lying, thieving businessman prior to be coming POTUS.

As POTUS, we all saw Donald Trump break laws, because who of he is: a petulant narcissist who can't stomach being a loser.

On Monday July 1, 2024, the conservative majority SCOTUS voted to make the U.S. presidency an imperial one, stating that nothing a POTUS does is illegal - even attempting to steal an election.

With the Citizens United decision in 2010, a majority conservative SCOTUS decision written by the current Chief Justice John Roberts giving corporations personhood, America has become an oligarchy where the rich get laws and judicial judgments that they want, to benefit the oligarchy. Providing gifts such as vacations and RVs and paying off the mortgages for the mother of various judges help in deciding the cases that the rich bring. This SCOTUS court season, we saw the SCOTUS limit the power of federal agencies and giving that power to the judicial branch and the demise of the "Chevron standard" because this is what corporations and the rich want.

The SCOTUS also stated this past Monday that a POTUS receiving a bribe for a pardon isn't even illegal - because ANYTHING a POTUS does is an "official act." None of this is what the founding fathers wanted for America, nor do we decent Americans.

For the conservative minority, their goal is to make laws for us forward-thinking majority, where fascism means freedom. I don't want the conservative's version of freedom. What the conservatives want to offer is not freedom, but "freedom."

Tomorrow is America's 248th birthday and what a sad day for America it will be.

Contrarian, extraordinaire