There are multiples on the Biden thing. It just goes on and on. If he runs, and does not get elected, he will go down in history as, quite possibly, as the man who enabled Trump to change the entire United States and, basically, destroying freedom in the United States. This will last forever and he will be, literally, destroyed. I believe that the man deserves more than that and if he doesn't realize what he is taking a chance with he should also remember that, along with him, anybody close to him will also be condemned to the same stuff. His son, his wife, etc. will also be destroyed as its going to be a really serious thing by everybody who gets wrecked by Trump and, given his last presidency, the only difference is that this one will be MUCH worse the previous (considered by many to have been the worst presidency in American history. I am basing this on how wrong the public plans for Trump are and how bad the result will obviously be.

There is also the congress. Its generally agreed that if Biden goes down so does the Dems in the Congress as well.

I will vote for him but I do not want to. I think Biden is crazy to take a chance like this, Its simply too dangerous to do. Not just for Biden but anybody and everybody who is even vaguely connected to him will be destroyed. Perhaps this thought has been set by others, if so I am sorry to have duplicated something that is simply not a happy thing to either think of or say and I apologize. I do, however, believe that there are some really good people who can take over. I like the current governor of California but there are several other as well. I believe that any one of them can probably take out Trump. As far as I can tell there are a LOT of people who will be voting for Trump because they believe that Biden is terrible but have said if there was anybody else than Biden OR Trump they would vote for that candidate. I think they should be given a chance!

I really hope Biden changes his mind!!!!