Jeffrey, I think most democrats and anti-Trumpers forgot this election is as much about Biden, maybe more so since he is the sitting president as it is about Trump. To a lot of folks out there this election is a referendum on Biden’s four years as president, not on Trump’s previous tenure. Biden is president now, not Trump. In 2020 Biden was the alternative to Trump for those who didn’t like his presidency or the job he done. This year, Trump is the alternative to Biden who don’t like the job Biden has done as president. Biden is running for reelection, not Trump. The question is, has he done a good enough job to deserve reelection? If one looks at Biden’s overall job approval and on his handling of most issues, most Americans answer that question with a no.

Of course, in 2020 when most Americans answered that same question about Trump, they answered no also. Now we’re 4 years later. Trump isn’t president, Biden is. Their roles are reversed. What all the anti-Trumpers need to do is drop back and look at the entire electorate. Not just those inside the windowless anti-Trump cocoon. One can say when it comes to the pro and anti-Trumpers, Biden plays no role. Their minds are made up, set in stone. But there’s that 30% where Biden plays a huge role, perhaps the main role, those who don’t want him reelected and at the same time, don’t want Trump to regain the white house. They dislike and don’t want neither one to become the next president. For that 30% this election is more about the sitting president running for reelection than the previous president who is challenging him. This I don’t think democrats, anti-Trumpers can get through their heads.

The disdain is so high for both Biden and Trump in this latter group, the 30%. That half of them are stating today they won’t vote with another quarter stating they’ll vote third party if they do vote. Against both Biden and Trump. That leaves but a quarter of this 30% group who are choosing to them, the lesser of two evil candidates. The key phrase here is to them. Trump is leading Biden among this last quarter who are choosing the candidate they want to lose the least. This could all change, I don’t think it will. This has been steady, constant since November of last year. This is news democrats and anti-Trumpers don’t want to hear, they’re closing both their eyes and ears to it. They’re ignoring the reality of this rematch.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.