Here’s something to think about jgw. Questions 6 and 7. The reason why folks are voting for or against Biden and Trump. Those voting for Biden, 49% are mostly for Biden, 48% mostly against Trump. Even among democrats, 56% are mostly for Biden, 42% are voting for Biden because they’re against Trump. They’re not voting for Biden, they’re voting against Trump only because they want Trump to lose. Half of Biden voters could care less if Biden wins as long as Trump loses. They just want Trump to lose, who wins is irrelevant as long as Trump loses.

Trump supporters are the opposite. 67% are mostly for Trump, 32% most against Biden. Among republicans, 71% are mostly for Trump, 28% against Biden. More Trump voters want him to win than want Biden to lose.

Perhaps the question should be asked, is being anti-Trump enough for Biden to win when half of those intended to vote for Biden are anti-Trump and not pro-Biden? Trump has a big advantage in those who want him to win vs. those who want Biden to win. Biden’s advantage is in those who want Trump to lose over those who want Biden to lose. How’ll this works out, time will tell.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.