After doing a lot of reading these last couple of days, especially on those democrats who want Biden to step aside. It wasn’t the poor debate performance or Biden’s very low job approval numbers or him being seen unfavorably by most Americans. Although those have a lot to do with it, but they weren’t the clincher.

Biden’s overall job approval is down to 38.6%, disapproval 57.9%. Americans having a negative or unfavorable view of Biden, 56.9%, those who view Biden favorably or positively 39.4%. You can compare Biden’s to Trump’s and Harris right below Biden’s favorable/unfavorable.

What those democrats fear is that Biden won’t be able to run a creditable, energetic, campaign against Trump. This is the number one reason, at least that I have deduced. Shades of 2016 loom big when Clinton let Trump both outwork and out campaign her relying on her huge advantage in the money race. Fears that Biden won’t be able to campaign aggressively is there much like Hillary didn’t in 2016. The big difference is Hillary led in the polls from start to finish whereas Biden has been trailing since November of last year. It will take a very aggressive, energetic campaign filled with enthusiasm to defeat Trump. Those democratic congress critters who are calling for Biden to step down don’t think Biden has that in him. That Biden is too laidback, lacks the energy and stamina needed for a grueling campaign that is sure to come.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.