The Biden thing is very, very strange. Biden has, actually, done a really good job at being president. I also suspect that anybody who has thought about it feels the same way. I even suspect that, if he wins, he will continue to do a pretty good job. My problem is that I am unwilling to count on Biden to beat Trump. Trump has no problem selling Trump and does a good job in that regard. Biden, on the other hand, well I have been whining about his obvious lack of displaying any desire to actually run for president. This is a fact that is so obvious that I have heard old line Democrats pleading with anybody who can get on TV to get out there are sell Biden! I think we have all seem this kind of thing going on for the last three years! Now throw in the Democratic Party. I seriously question their ability to get out there are sell Biden as well. They are great in claiming this and that but when it gets right down to it, so far, they haven't I think, done a very good job (other than claiming they are going to do that). I also looks like Biden is going no where and the above, pretty much, explains why I am seriously concerned. I really hope I am dead wrong. I would even appreciate anybody come in and telling me I am flat out wrong and full of sh** Especially if they could explain where I am wrong. So far, nobody has done that. I suspect that I am not the only Democrat with little or no faith that everything is going to change, the Dems and Biden are going to be on TV every freaking night selling. Trump is, pretty much, out there EVERY NIGHT! The only time was recently, when he didn't want anything he might do would mean that Biden was NOT going to run (he REALLY wants Biden to run!!)

So, we have Trump out there, every night, lying his head off, and selling Trump. I find it incredible but true. Then we have the Democrats doing this great job. Why, Biden had a 5 minute thing, and then, last week, and entire 15 minute visit. I also suspect he may have visited some place as well. There is also another thing about Trump. He entertains so people listen to him. This is why media so likes him! Even, I suspect, people who are not going to vote for him will actually watch him. Biden, on the other hand has never been said to be entertaining. If he was entertaining, and could explain just what he is doing without putting the watchers to sleep I would be delighted to do a public dance of joy.

Anyway, I firmly believe that the Democrats have a lot of people who could run for president and actually beat the crap out of Trump (which Trump knows and does not want to happen, obviously). The problem is Biden. I just wish the guy would get off the dime and actually start to work at winning EVERY NIGHT, ON TV. So far, not so much (but a LOT of talk about doing that by others, ie The Dems)

My basic problem is pretty simple. I simply do not think that Biden can beat the Liar Trump!!

I think it might be interesting to know how many turn on their TV for Trump and how many for Biden. One of the reasons Trump is on so often is that media likes him here. He draws them that watch and they don't care if he is a criminal, a liar, a rapist, whaterever, they just do not care!!

Last edited by jgw; 07/07/24 08:16 PM.