It’s not what you or I think of the job Biden has done jgw. It’s what those who go to the polls think. They will have the final say. I think what drives Biden’s job approval down is inflation, rising prices. The feeling out there, especially among independents that they were personally better off, that their standard of living was better, things more affordable four years ago than they are now, today. 32% of all Americans cite inflation, rising prices as their most important issue in deciding who to vote for. That 32% includes 39% of independents or swing voters which explains why Trump is leading among independents.

The rest of your post brings back memories of 2016. When Clinton basically stayed hid while Trump was out front in the news basically 24/7. Clinton went over 200 days without a press conference. She relied on paid political advertisements while Trump was calling in daily to all the morning TV talk shows. He was saying outrageous things back then, lies today, but they got him coverage on the news. He was always the top story, front page whereas Clinton was later in the news reports, back page so to speak.

Biden seems to shy away from the press, perhaps he isn’t comfortable with them. As a senator from Delaware, he basically didn’t need to campaign. As VP, it was Obama out front on the campaign trail. Even in 2020, the COVID election, Biden did his campaign from his basement. Trump gets people to tune into the news, Biden doesn’t just like Clinton didn’t in 2016. Network, cable news is all about ratings, the higher the ratings, the more people watch, the more thy can charge for their commercials. Boring doesn’t cut it. Especially a laidback president who quietly goes about his work not seeking fanfare or the limelight.

I would classify the Biden president as serene, calm, common sense. Not chaotic bordering at times on the insane with a million tweets a day. The latter I don’t want to return to.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.