Here’s an interesting trend I found since November of last year. Call it pro-Trumpers vs. anti-Trumpers. Trump had a 4.5-point lead in November last year, Trump lead is 4.9 points as of this AM.

Trump’s support is solid, he’s run at an average of 42%, give or take some tenths of a point since November of last year. He hasn’t gained nor lost support. Biden on the other had started off at 35% last November, rose to 41% in April of this year and is currently at 38% rounding off.

What’s interesting is third parties started off at 18% last November, dropped to a low of 10% in April, currently at 14%. When Biden gained, third party support for Kennedy, West, Stein dropped, when support for Biden dropped, third party support for those candidates rose. Trump hasn’t gain support when Biden lost support, Trump hasn’t lost support when Biden gained. There seems to be a revolving door among Biden and third-party supporters. Trump remains constant at roughly 42%. Trump’s support is solid, Biden’s not so much. The key seems to be 42% of the electorate are solid pro-Trumpers. If you add third party voters to Biden voters last November, 53% intended to vote against Trump. In April of this year, the total was 51%, Biden voters plus third-party voters. Today it’s 52%, undecided make up the final 8%.

It seems on average 52% of the electorate fall into the anti-Trump column. However, not all anti-Trumpers are pro-Biden. A lot of them are both anti-Biden and anti-Trump. Hence their movement between supporting Biden and voting third party against both Trump and Biden. Even though Biden has fallen from 41 to 38, Trump didn’t gain, third party candidates did. When Biden rose from 35 to 41, Trump didn’t lose any voters, third party candidates did. There’re still those undecideds, those who will stay home and not vote due to their dislike and unwantedness of both major party candidates.

The bottom line is there’s still more anti-Trumpers out there than pro-Trumpers. Roughly 52-42. But the anti-Trumpers aren’t about to coalesce around Biden. Some dislike Biden as much as they dislike Trump. Some more so than Trump, some less so than Trump.

Draw your own conclusions.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.