Pew Research has very good research paper 7 pages on 7 different election categories all can be accessed at the bottom of the page by clicking on either the page number or next page. An in-depth research paper if one wants to know how all of America are viewing this election. Some excerpts.
Majorities of voters describe both Biden and Trump as “embarrassing,” with identical shares (63% each) saying this about each candidate. A third or more of each candidate’s supporters – 37% of Biden supporters and 33% of Trump supporters – say their own candidate is embarrassing. (Read more about views of the candidates in Chapter 2.)
A narrow majority of voters (53%) say they would replace both Biden and Trump with different candidates if they had the ability to decide the major party candidates for the 2024 presidential election. The share saying this is up slightly from the 49% of voters who said this in April.
About four-in-ten Americans have a favorable opinion of the Republican Party (39%) and the Democratic Party (38%). By comparison, roughly six-in-ten have an unfavorable opinion of each party (58% Republican; 60% Democratic). wanted to carry the negative view most of Americans have about both major parties farther. Pew Research didn’t carry this back to 2006, but that year is important as that was when 30% of the electorate were identified as independents. Today, according to Gallup which keeps track of these things, 25% of all Americans identify themselves as Republicans, 23% as democrats, a whopping 51% now say they’re independents. In 2006 these numbers were 31% republican, 36% democrat, 30% independents. I would say having two disliked and unwanted major party candidates certainly contributed to the rise in independents along with the lack of enthusiasm in voting for the presidency this year.