A different take on the Biden thing:
In the last couple of days I have watched Biden actually speaking into tv cameras. Now, if he can do this a minimum of 2 times a week, with vim and vigor, he just might be able to get the job done and return for the last Biden presidency. The question now becomes whether he can get it done or not. We will see and, I suspect, everybody will be hoping as well. It also seems, so far, that he is not going after Trump with any vigor. On the other hand the Vice President has been doing that for several weeks with vigor. Its really pretty interesting. I have been hammering Biden for over a year to get off the dime. Now he has done that and done it well. I suspect, given how he has done that those (including me) are going to have to back off because it doesn't look like a replacement is going to take place and its time to get on board even if you have problems we really do have to deal with what we got as there doesn't seem to be a chance otherwise.
Then I started thinking. Perhaps Biden and his vice president, can work in tandem. Biden does what he does best and, occasionally, goes after Trump and, either case, he appears a minimum of 2 times a week (a lot better than once every 4 months!!). Harris goes after Trump and, sometimes doesn't. If Biden fails along the way Harris steps in. Biden thinks she has the stuff and, I suspect, she does. Not only that but, between the both of them just perhaps, they can get the interest of the voting public if they keep their stuff current and interesting and, so far, they have been. This just might work! People want to see and hear them that would tell them what to do. This is what Biden screwed up. Now its time for him to get after the job that needs doing and sticks with it.
This is not easy for me. I have been hammering Biden for at least a year because he simply was not helping himself, or the nation, in so far as the election is concerned. Now, hopefully, that will change. We will see. So far I have been winning virtually nothing, going in circles, and hoping for some solution and, perhaps we have one that people can get behind. The trick, of course, is that they both work their butts off proving themselves. Not, I suspect, easy or even fair but necessary.
One can have hope? If they do this I suspect poll stats will change and we WILL be told! We will, of course, learn in the fullness of time (couldn't resist)