Biden has to appear at least 2 times a week and the vice president should do the same thing. If they do not they lose. Its pretty obvious that Biden is going to keep going as long as he can. If he expects to win then he must talk to the voters with regularity and intelligence. He also needs the backup of the vice president as well so she is ready if he goes down. Next week we will see what happens. Right now, I think I heard that, because of the Trump attack, that he has stopped virtually all all election stuff. I am not sure why that is but Trump is going to come out roaring and Biden better be ready. This whole thing drives me nuts. I expect that if Biden doesn't keep coming out he is going to get crap from a LOT of Democrats because he cannot be depended on to actually talk and explain stuff to the voting public and, well, we all know how that works.

He has this one opportunity to keep running. If he fails this time around I expect he will loose too much support during the convention to continue. People are tired of Biden not appearing and talking with any regularity when Trump is having at it every day. The attack kinda slowed things down but I expect things are going to heat up next week.

We will see what happens. I, for one, really hope Biden and vice president gets on with it.