That was true until 2016 when I considered both major party candidates unworthy of the office
I believed you analyzed it incorrectly.

That was a race between a first day apprentice (pun intended) and a wisened journeywomen in the world of real politics. Trump was and remains a clueless buffoon whose sole objective is to ensconce himself as emperor a la Napoleon. Both Clinton and Biden are far more competent in the workings of government and that was what should have been the criteria, despite the fact neither has the charisma Trump has nor the cult following, but the presidential race is not about cults or charisma,. It is about competence and character. Biden demonstrates both, while Clinton's only flaw was the egoism to want to keep her private email from the prying eyes of the paranoid rightwing nuts.

We are now in the throes of a similar kind of race. This time we know the stakes are Democracy itself. We have a competent, although not brilliant nor charismatic person with character, pitted against a felonious, fraudster, sex offending incompetent. anti-Democratic, insurrectionist, who holds sway over a cult of followers. Do you believe you should sit this one out??? Yikes!!!!

compromise has become impossible
Newt Gingrich is the cause.

Sure both parties have non-starting political ideas from which they will not budge, which simply makes them who and what they are, however, the Democrat party has been more than willing to compromise on issues, as examples look at Obamacare or the Sen Langford's efforts in Immigration legislation. The problem is not with reasonable, rational men but with the MAGA extremists who will not under any circumstance negotiate a compromise with Democrats or Rhino's.

Compromise is possible ... only not with MAGA.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!