It is, I suspect, interesting. For the last 4 or 5 days virtually all TV news channels have spent entire days (or close to it) showing the Republican Convention. Next month I think the Democrats will have their Convention. What will be interesting is if media gives the Democrats the same degree of exposure. Just to make sure all know that Trump is a creature of the media. Without them he simply would not be. They made claims about him that were simply wrong and so we have their gift. Now we get a chance to see if they give the Democrats the same exposure.
Oh, then there is their new vice president candidate. I actually heard him mention the following things he supports. He is against, Abortion, Divorce, etc. If a husband is beating a wife she has no right to have a divorce and abortions are simply made illegal. It gets even better but just thought I would mention these (there is more).
One last. VP Harris is out there, every day, giving speeches, etc. I have yet to see any TV that gives us any information on that one. Betcha media gives the Republican VP a LOT of exposure thought (I have faith!)
Last edited by jgw; 07/17/24 04:26 PM.