Oh - my error!

If Kamala is it then it seems, from all the talk that its probably be one of the Democratic governors but, really, I have no idea. This morning I listened to the guy who is Trump's VP. That guy was giving a speech and it was REALLY good! No Trump stuff, just old fashioned politics going after the Democrats (didn't mention any of his extremes and he has a lot of them. He also didn't forget anti-Democratic crap).
This guy is DANGEROUS!!

My hope is that the Democrats can actually go after Trump, tooth and nail and no screwing around. I am seriously tired of watch stuff like forgetting that Trump stopped the border thing, etc. If the Democrats are going to win they have to actually go after them instead of talking about what they are going to do and forgetting what they have actually done (they have done ALOT! and seem to feel that everybody knows that - they do not!). As far as I can tell those that support Trump are seriously ignorant!

I firmly believe that those that support Trump need some serious education as most of what they attack with is just nonsense and now they aren't going to have Biden to kick around anymore although they are doing that even after he said he is stepping down and getting away with it as well.