It is, I suspect, a little early to get the Harris/Trump thing. That being said Harris has really got a LOT of support according to TV. She had, for instance, the biggest gathering of supporters for a Democrat EVER! Then there is also the money thing. As far as I can tell they now have pretty close to half a billion dollars! (and she is, apparently, responsible for most of that too!). Then there is Trump and how he is dealing. Basically he isn't. Biden used to be the confused guy but, now, Trump seems to have stepped into that one too. Its actually getting pretty interesting. Unlike Biden, for instance, Harris is going after the Republicans tooth and claw. I am, personally, delighted that we now have a Democratic party that is actually trying to win an election.
I am, so far, basically a happy camper. I expect that the polls will eventually change but that takes time. I have hope that the Dems are actually going to goto work.
I also find it interesting that Harris has chosen not to deal with Netanhayoo while he is in congress as is usually done. This too, for me, is a good thing (the man is a jackass, mass murderer, and not nice as far as I am concerned). The United States should stop sending them a damned thing until he, and those like him, are thrown out. Its actually kinda interesting. There are a LOT of Israelis that want him gone as well. I am also REALLY tired of knowing that my tax dollars are being used to kill people because they are not Jews. (sorry, couldn't help myself)