Again, Stuff takes time! Things are moving and, hopefully that will continue and in the way I prefer. I watched Harris this morning. After watching Trump a day or so ago (got to admit I didn't watch the whole thing) and the difference was pretty obvious. Harris didn't as far as I could tell, told not a lie. Trump, on the other hand did absolutely nothing but tell lies. I am no expert in what is a lie. Trump, however, makes it easy to tell because that is what he does!

I have often wondered. I have, on occasion, mentioned media and the simple fact that they invented and gave us Trump. They actually put him in a show as a great businessman. The simple fact is that the only undertaking the man has ever has success is in Politics. He has gone broke in all of his business endeavors except for the one he got from daddy and I think that one is on the way out. Anyway, how about a law that would force media to have a line at the bottom of all media produces that would say something like "True or False", "Real or Fake", etc or at least the truth about claims of, say, "millions crossing the southern border" when it is lower than Trump had when he was president (not sure about that one). Media has to be responsible for what they tell the public! If you watch TV you might have noticed that media itself is for the TRUTH big time - just not them. If whatever they are sending out is a lie then it should be said to be a lie! That is fair. Just putting up Trump to lie (I do not even believe he knows what a lie is) whilst Harris does not (I do not believe), and treating each the same should be against the law! That would mean that if Harris tells a lie the public will know and, when Trump tells a lie the public also gets to know that! Right now we have a media which should be responsible and it is not! That is wrong! Assuming that the public knows what is true and what is not is also wrong. The public believes what they want to believe and lies, I think, don't even enter the thing. I am not sure they should have every show, no matter, that they said was real or not. (I have no faith in the American public). Everytime I see one of those news ads about how they deal only in the truth and then show Biden lying kinda drive me nuts!

I also suspect that if one network did this the rest might actually be forced to do the same thing because I also suspect that people would actually be told what the hell they are watching. I have known people, for instance, that have watched scary shows that are not reality, and believe they are!! (I have found that happens more than one might think)

While I am at it one more thing. I have noted that Trump is after Harris and says she cannot have the money that was created when Biden was the candidate until she is officially the candidate. I don't think that she needs it but that brought something to mind. Trump has been given, literally, millions of dollars which he has spent on things personal (like paying off the army of attorneys keeping him out of jail). Anyway, given that the money was given to help him win an election, and he has spent it on personal expenditures I wonder just how much tax he has paid on those millions. Just wondering........

Just saying...............

Last edited by jgw; 07/25/24 06:55 PM.