An interesting aspect of Harris closing the gap, from 3.7-point Trump lead against Biden on 21 July to a 1.5-point Trump lead nationally this AM is those who intended to vote third party in a Trump vs. Biden matchup, 12% has dropped to 8% this AM. This is where Harris is getting the support that closed the Trump lead. Those voters who disliked both Trump and Biden, didn’t want neither one to become the next president, some have shifted to Harris as they still dislike Trump as much as when it was Biden vs. Trump. Only now, some dislike Harris less than Biden today. Those who disliked both Trump and Biden made up approximately 30% of the electorate. But keep in mind, this is early indications and movements. It may be as I once stated a relief Harris bounce as one of the disliked and unwanted candidates has withdrawn. We don’t know if this bounce is permanent or temporary. Give it more time.

As for the battleground states, there hasn’t been enough polling there to get a grasp on what’s taking place. But like the national polls, even with Harris gaining in them, we don’t know if this is a temporary relief bounce, a type of honeymoon for Harris since Biden stepped aside. Most voters don’t know much about Harris other than she was Biden’s VP. It’s time to be hopeful, it seems Harris, at least for the time being has changed the dynamics of this election, but not to get all giddy. That is until we know this isn’t a temporary relief bounce. Harris was still Biden’s VP, part of an administration that only 41% approved of the overall job Biden did along with approval of the Biden administration on most issues well below 40% with some disapproval above 60%. The question is, will this eventually rub off on Harris since she was the VP or just have Biden gone will be enough to defeat Trump. Time will tell.

I want Harris to win, but I’m also a political realist.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.