My view on Harris choosing Waltz. Keep in mind, before one can govern, first, one must win an election. Waltz in my opinion was chosen more for ideological purity than helping Harris win the election. Shapiro is more of a moderate democrat would have added 19 electoral votes to the Harris column and had the ability to attract additional moderate swing voters whereas Waltz adds none of these. Trump as of this AM leads in Pennsylvania by 2 points, Harris has an 8-point lead in Minnesota.

Here’s the difference, with Waltz Harris 226 electoral votes, Trump 235. With Shapiro instead of Waltz, Harris 245, Trump 235.

Remaining swing/battleground states, Nevada 6, Arizona 11, Wisconsin 10, Michigan 15, Georgia 16, Pennsylvania 19, 77 electoral votes total. With Shapiro, you could place Pennsylvania into the democratic column giving Harris 245 with 58 electoral votes in the tossup column.

Trump made his VP choice out of ideological purity reasons with no help toward winning the election, Harris has done the same. Seems to me that both have forgotten that in order to govern one first must win an election. Neither Trump nor Harris gave winning the election any thought in their choices. Kelly also would have been a good choice in advancing Harris’s chances of winning the election, Arizona has 11 electoral votes.

The above is from winning an election perspective. Numbers from a numbers guy.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.