The fact that Trump has worked hard to make sure he wins the election no matter what the voters said has been reported for some time. Especially the part about states not certifying. I have even seen it on TV! I have, in the past, hoped that gov is ready for what Trump has setup. I am also assuming that they have as well because they have been particularly quiet on this one. Somebody should goto Biden just to find out if he even aware or gives a damn. We should also remember that Biden is the guy in charge until after the election.
We also have, right now, a vice president of the United States that is available. Perhaps somebody should ask her if they have been working on this one. Its all so very strange. Nobody who is running for office and nobody in charge of government, seem to either know or care. What's even more interesting is that media, those who report the news and talk their heads off, have not even mentioned it either.
The only ones that have mentioned it are the talking heads but even they haven't said all that much but, at least, somebody has a clue. I guess we just have to have faith. Oh, Praise Be! That should do it!
One can only wonder (and hope a lot) ..............